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jeudi 1 décembre 2016

How To Lose Weight After Forty

Losing weight after 40 is tantamount to pull your wisdom teeth. It can be done but it's not easy. The tricks you used at 20 no longer applies to your changing metabolism by 40. There are measures you can take but to lose weight and keep it off. Some simple strategies that do not involve fasting yo-yo dieting or depriving yourself of good food is a must at this stage of life

Eat dinner early. Yes it is not always possible. It is usually possible to eat until 7 at night though. You should find that you will slowly begin to drop weight.

Resist fast food restaurants. You have twice the duties you had when you were younger. Finding time to prepare a healthy meal is challenging at best. With day fat and carbohydrates packed into a fast food burger that will not satisfy you anyway it's worth it to "just say no." If you must eat on the fly choose a salad.

Drinking water. Soft drinks are extremely high in sodium and sugar. This could not have had a major impact on your weight when you were younger. Continue to drink them by 40 and you will notice a subtle weight gain as time passes. Throw them. Instead now for refreshing hydrating and calorie-free water.

Exercise. It can not be stressed enough. It is important to take with weights or resistance training to exercise especially if you are female. Weight training will improve bone density and muscle tone. Quick trips or a short cardiovascular exercise at least three times a week will also keep your heart healthy. You will find that you have more energy. The increase in your metabolism will lose weight after 40 much easier.

Get enough rest. Depriving yourself of sleep and your hormones will be wise to tell your brain that you are hungry. Proper amounts of sleep will regulate hormone levels in your body. You will find yourself losing weight easily if you get your beauty sleep.

Tips and Warnings

Remind yourself of the old adage "Life begins at 40 years."
Consult your doctor before trying any weight loss program or exercise regimen. c0tBTXVli5

You can read more here:

How To Lose Weight After Forty

Losing weight after 40 is tantamount to pull your wisdom teeth. It can be done but it's not easy. The tricks you used at 20 no longer applies to your changing metabolism by 40. There are measures you can take but to lose weight and keep it off. Some simple strategies that do not involve fasting yo-yo dieting or depriving yourself of good food is a must at this stage of life

Eat dinner early. Yes it is not always possible. It is usually possible to eat until 7 at night though. You should find that you will slowly begin to drop weight.

Resist fast food restaurants. You have twice the duties you had when you were younger. Finding time to prepare a healthy meal is challenging at best. With day fat and carbohydrates packed into a fast food burger that will not satisfy you anyway it's worth it to "just say no." If you must eat on the fly choose a salad.

Drinking water. Soft drinks are extremely high in sodium and sugar. This could not have had a major impact on your weight when you were younger. Continue to drink them by 40 and you will notice a subtle weight gain as time passes. Throw them. Instead now for refreshing hydrating and calorie-free water.

Exercise. It can not be stressed enough. It is important to take with weights or resistance training to exercise especially if you are female. Weight training will improve bone density and muscle tone. Quick trips or a short cardiovascular exercise at least three times a week will also keep your heart healthy. You will find that you have more energy. The increase in your metabolism will lose weight after 40 much easier.

Get enough rest. Depriving yourself of sleep and your hormones will be wise to tell your brain that you are hungry. Proper amounts of sleep will regulate hormone levels in your body. You will find yourself losing weight easily if you get your beauty sleep.

Tips and Warnings

Remind yourself of the old adage "Life begins at 40 years."
Consult your doctor before trying any weight loss program or exercise regimen. c0tBTXVli5

You can read more here:

How To Stop Overeating

This article is about how to stop overeating by changing your attitude towards food. The rest will come easy

You need:
One can do it attitude

A good dose of honesty. Mobile Some quiet time for introspection.


Do Some Self Analysis
The truth about overeating is that it stems from emotional problems that we are neglecting to deal with. These come in many shapes and only you are able to find out what your problems are. But you must understand that overeating does not stop until you embrace your problems.

Eating has a good feel factor. Most Overeaters will find that when faced with particularly unpleasant situations they feel the urge to eat. For example a girl who eat a tub of ice after a fight with his girlfriend eat for comfort for that feel good feeling.
To find what's driving you to overeat in the first place you must begin to pay attention to situations that trigger the behavior. Are there certain people who having spent time with those you want to eat not a stressful day at work makes you go home and head for the bucket of ice cream or comfort food of choice?

If you can recognize the triggers then you are on your way to the next step to turn your overeating.

understanding Triggers
If you do indeed find that being with a certain person is driving you to overeat so you have to ask yourself what uncertainty means that person trigger in you. Is he / she someone who constantly criticizes you? Criticism in this case is not what you react to but instead can be responsive to the feelings that you're not good enough or you can not do anything right.

If there is work stress appears to be your trigger ask yourself what is the source of stress in the first place? Too many demands on your time? You feel unable to cope? Again your overeating triggers can be a sense of inadequacy. I can not seem to do anything right.

Tracing Your Triggers
Most of our emotional dysfunctions were developed in our childhood. They manifest when someone or something acts as a trigger and sets them off. Some people react with fury others of overeating.

This is your time to investigate your childhood relationships pay special attention to the negative things you had buried. Pay special attention to your relationship with your parents. Did they do or say things to make you feel loved ugly inadequate?
In some cases you may have internalized your parents pain and made it your own. Did you know Dad does your mother seems inadequate. Had he used to criticize her? Were the other assaults in the home?

This will be painful but you have to work through the pain to emerge on the other side of overeating problem. If at this stage you feel you need treatment or to talk things out with your parents etc go for it.

Change the way you think
Now that you know your overeating triggers you must disarm them. If inadequacy lack of self-love or a feeling that you do not deserve to be happy or that you are not beautiful the problem must slowly begin to restructure your mind to remove liar.

When you are in a trigger situation and you start feeling negative thoughts going on replacing them with a mind that says I AM beautiful. I deserve to be happy. I can do this. I am able. I'm cute. In time your subconscious will learn to think these thoughts.

Take steps to change
If after learning to handle your problems you decide to improve yourself further by losing weight or whatever it is that you have been afraid to do because of your questions so you must take steps to achieve the goal your.

Enroll in a fitness class learn about proper nutrition or whatever it is you need to change.
Set realistic. achievable goals and work toward them one day at a time. Remember Rome was not built in a day. do not get discouraged. In less time than you think your overeating will be a thing of the past. c0tBTXVli5

You can read more here: